The  SMHS Center for Faculty Excellence provides faculty development programming for all SMHS faculty.  

Programs are provided both synchronously and via online self-paced modules.  Please see the details below for more information on our offerings. 


If you do not have an account, create an account. Then, navigate back to this Learning Group (SMHS Center for Faculty Excellence), to register for a course.


After you have logged in, choose any Self-Paced Module below to learn more and register.

Group visibility: 
Public - accessible to all site users

GW Social Media Professionalism

GW SM Professionalism infographicSocial media use by healthcare providers offers many potential benefits including the ability to advocate for topics they care about, advertise their practice, and educate the public.

Social media also has potential professionalism pitfalls and educators must be aware of how their social media presence may be impacting those they work with, including the impact on learners.

Click to access the GW Social Media Professionalism module.

Fostering a Psychologically Safe Learning Environment

Psychological safety in the learning environment is a shared belief that the educator-learner relationship is safe for interpersonal risk-taking which creates a sense of confidence that the educator will not embarrass, reject, or punish the learner due to mutual respect and trust. 

Psychological Safety and Performance Standards graph

The purpose of this module is to help educators (the leaders of learning teams) foster psychologically safe environments for all SMHS learners. 

Click to access the Fostering Psychological Safety module.

Part 1 Assessment of Clinical Learners - The Basics

decorative course imageThis self-paced module is the first part of a two-course training. It covers a stepwise approach to conducting direct observation, how multiple feedback on student performance gets consolidated and incorporated into the overall clerkship grade, and factors that lead to low-quality assessments and strategies to overcome them.

This online course is for clinical faculty, fellows, residents, or anyone teaching in the clinical learning environment responsible for assessing and evaluating students. 

Click to access the Part 1 Assessment of Clinical Learners - The Basics module.


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This self-paced module is a guide for preparing and delivering effective scientific presentations. Scientists preparing presentations for conferences or other venues will be able to identify and apply elements of effective presentations. This guide provides a how-to approach for:

  • Presentation organization
  • Effective visual design of slides
  • Best practices in delivery in either in-person or virtual environments

Click to access the Best Practices for Scientific Presentations module. 

Managing Potentially Charged Discussions

The module was designed by the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Center for Faculty Excellence for any faculty person or community volunteer who will be leading meaningful and psychologically safe dialogue with health professional students.

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Click to access the Managing Potentially Charged Discussions module.


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This self-paced module walks the learner through creating a didactic session by applying principles of good instructional design (PLHET). This guide is essential for educators who need to design a new educational session or refine an existing education session to include elements of effective instructional design to maximize learning.

Click to access the Designing Effective Didactics module.

Feedback that Sticks

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This self-paced interactive module reviews a method and format for giving trainees effective feedback. Clinical and teaching faculty can recognize the issues inherent in providing and receiving feedback and will identify aspects of their feedback approach that they want to refine. The module offers a practice space for suggested techniques.

Click to access the Feedback that Sticks module.

Teaching on the Fly

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This self-paced interactive module outlines a teaching and learning model that can maximize trainee learning in the clinical learning environment when time is limited and patient care takes precedence. A model (TED) is introduced, and examples are provided for how to use TED to teach and learn on the fly.

Click to access the Teaching on the Fly module.


The CFE is available to provide live workshops to departments as needed.  Please contact us at, if you're interested in any of the workshops listed below and on the CFE website

Shaping Learning on Your Service or Shift: Teaching strategies to enhance learning across the entire service/shift and in between

Feedback that Sticks: Techniques for giving feedback and helping those receiving it

Being a Good Reflector & Encouraging Reflection in Others: Strategies for motivating, developing and assessing reflection

Promoting Learning in Small Groups: Techniques for effectively facilitating and maximizing learning in small groups

Creating an Environment of Psychological Safety: Strategies for fostering a climate in which people are comfortable expressing themselves and sharing concerns

Best Practices for Scientific Presentations: Best practices for presenting scientific work (e.g. conferences, journal club, grand rounds), including practice presenting and peer/expert feedback

Teaching on the Fly: Teaching strategies that promote powerful case-based learning experiences when time is limited

Designing Effective Didactics: Instructional design strategies to maximize learning and retention of lectures and small group sessions

Effective Mentoring: Strategies for cultivating an effective mentor-mentee relationship

Remediation of Struggling Learners: Strategies for identifying learning issues and remediating learners having difficulty

Maximizing Case-Based Learning: Strategies for effectively using cases to foster learning

Deliberate Direct Observation & Assessment: Minimizing barriers and maximizing assessment reliability

Digital Communication Best Practices: How to get the most out of your digital communications (email, text, slack, MS Teams, etc), and how to develop team/department norms and expectations around communication

Visit the CFE Website to view the list of all CFE's workshops.