GW Social Media Professionalism

Social media use by health care providers offers many potential benefits including the ability to advocate for topics they care about, advertise their practice, and educate the public.
Fostering a Psychologically Safe Learning Environment

Psychological safety in the learning environment is a shared belief that the educator-learner relationship is safe for interpersonal risk-taking which creates a sense of confidence that the educator will not embarrass, reject, or punish the learner due to mutual respect and trust.
Teaching on the Fly

This self-paced interactive module goes over teaching strategies that promote powerful case-based learning experiences when time is limited.
Best Practices for Scientific Presentations

This online module is a guide for preparing and delivering effective scientific presentations.
Designing Effective Didactics

This module walks the user through creating a didactic session applying principles of good instructional design.
Managing Potentially Charged Discussions

The module was designed by the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences Center for Faculty Excellence for any faculty person or community volunteer who will be leading meaningful and psychologically safe dialogue with health professional students.