Hematology Session 1: Anemias, Hemoglobinopathies, and Sickle Cell Disease Overview

Session 1: Anemias, Hemoglobinopathies, and Sickle Cell Disease Overview


Welcome | Housekeeping Notes
Robert S. Siegel, MD

Biology of Hematopoiesis 
Jerry L. Spivak, MD, MACP

Iron Deficiency and Overload 
Victor Gordeuk, MD

Victor Gordeuk, MD

Anemia of Chronic Illness 
Vera Malkovska, MD

Lunch Review Session 1: Anemias, Hemoglobinopathies, and Sickle Cell Disease Overview 
Course Director and Faculty Panelists

Victor Gordeuk, MD

Megaloblastic and Sideroblastic Anemias 
Vera Malkovska, MD

Hemolytic Anemia 
Imad A. Tabbara, MD

Red Cell Enzymes, Membranes, and Metabolism 
Imad A. Tabbara, MD

Sickling Disorders
Santosh Saraf, MD

Closing Reminders for the End of the Day 

Course summary
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