How do I register for the course?

In order to register for the course, you need to click on REGISTER/ TAKE COURSE on a training landing page.

You will be asked to enter your username and password. Then click LOG IN. Otherwise, you will need to sign up for the platform by clicking CREATE ACCOUNT.

Once you are logged in to your account, you will be redirected to your training of interest. Click START to begin the training.

How much do the GW Cancer Center Online Academy trainings cost?

All of our trainings are free of charge.


The training video is not loading

It is possible that the video is not loading because your pop-ups are blocked. To enable them, please follow the steps depending on the browser that you use:

Please note that our learning management system is best compatible with Chrome.


I am not allowed to proceed to other course objects after I watch the training video

The training videos are set up in such a way that you would need to watch at least 85% of the content to be able to proceed to the next training element. If some parts of the video were fast-forwarded, the platform will not register the video as fully “watched.” To fix this error, please rewatch the video.


How can I download a certificate?

Once you complete the training, the certificate will appear on your left side as one of the last elements.

You can also download the certificate by visiting the training landing page. A separate tab will show up called CERTIFICATE on the top ribbon. Please note that you should be logged into your account in order to see the certificate option.

How can I find out how many continuing education credits I have received from the GW Cancer Center Online Academy?

In order to find the information on completed trainings and associated continuing education credits that you have already received, please go to MY ACCOUNT located on the top right corner.

Then, click on MY ACTIVITIES and COMPLETED ACTIVITIES. Here you will find a list of the trainings that you have finished and the continuing education credits that you have received.


Whom can I contact if my issue has not been solved?

If you have additional questions, please contact Ruta Brazinskaite at [email protected]