Justice-Involved Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Youth

This GW webinar will provide an update on effectively managing justice-involved transgender youth, including public policy recommendations, adolescent medicine priorities, and correctional health care administration strategies.
Diabetes Medications and Treatments: Clinical Updates
- Enduring Material
Cost $0.00
2023 Interprofessional Spiritual Care Education Curriculum (ISPEC) - June 22-23, 2023
ISPEC is a two-day, onsite program focusing on leadership skills, institutional culture change, goal development, and integration of spiritual care into clinical practice and education, including assessment and treatment planning.
Introduction to Medical Terminology

Welcome to the course Introduction to Medical Terminology!
- Enduring Material
Cost $0.00
Restoring Patient Trust through a Health Justice Approach

OverviewThis module is entitled Restoring Patient Trust
Moving Beyond Bystanding...to Disrupting Racism

This course is part of the GW Anti-Racism Coalition educational series.